Developing of a manufacturing facility for cereal-based sweets products at the Manufacturing site of Matraholding Gyongyos / Nográd County
- Beneficiary’s name: MÁTRAHOLDING Gazdasági Tanácsadó Zrt.
- Tender Call ID.: Élelmiszeripari üzemek komplex fejlesztése, VP3-4.2.1-4.2.2.-2-21
- Project title: Developing of a manufacturing facility for cereal-based sweets products at the Manufacturing site of Matraholding Gyongyos / Nográd County
- Project ID.: 3365018057
- Total amount: 779 321 063 HUF
- Total amount of subsidy: 389 660 531 HUF
- Subsidy rate: 50%
- Expected date of Project closure: 2024.02.29.