The Deputy CEO of Matraholding, Mr. Marton Beck Dr., announced the official launch of the construction works at the sweets manufacturing facility of Matraholding in Gyongyos / Heves County at a press conference today.
MATRAHOLDING will spend more than 3 Million Euros on the development of warehousing and wrapping technology, manufacturing site development, and upgrading of the customer service scheme in the following 2 years.
The management is also planning to release a brand new product portfolio based on “superfood” fruits and seeds in 2024 after the trial manufacturing period.
MATRAHOLDING established its first confectionery manufacturing plant in Gyöngyös / Hungary in 2017. Our project is set on the basis of the rich north Hungarian chocolate manufacturing heritage. We aimed to integrate this industrial heritage with cutting-edge technology, and the latest achievement of confectionery innovations.
The Hungarian Government provided 3 Million Eur as a development subsidy to MATRAHOLDING in 2021. Due to this state incentive, the complete manufacturing site will be overhauled and refurbished.